What is An SR22 Insurance Policy?
Here at Wessell Insurance Services, we are constantly asked, “What exactly is an SR22?”
The “SR22” is actually a monitored insurance program that most states use to keep track of insurance on certain drivers. By program, I mean it is a communication system between the insurance company, and the state that begins once the SR22 policy is put in place. The state that is being satisfied will receive electronic notification (sometimes faxed or mailed, depending on the individual secretary of state’s acceptance procedure) that the individual is now in compliance. Compliance simply means that the driver has at least state minimum liability insurance, with or without a vehicle. Also, the liability policy is written in the language that the state can understand. The insurance company is guaranteeing the state that if there is an issue with the policy (early cancellation, lapse due to non-payment) that a notice (SR26) will be sent so the state can take further license action.
Every SR22 driver is entering into a deal with the state requiring compliance.
In exchange for a valid license, you will take out and maintain a liability auto policy, and allow the state to monitor it, with or without a vehicle.
Call us today at 866-663-7561 x104, for an SR22 insurance policy, we can help.